In the film adaptation of Stephen Chbosky’s novel ‘the Perks
of Being a Wallflower’ (2012), the actors use their figure expression to
highlight the contrast between their characters. There are 3 main characters:
Charlie (Logan Lerman), Sam (Emma Watson) and Patrick (Ezra Miller).
Charlie is shy and nervous; portrayed through his fidgety
hands, constantly wandering eyes, and him often chewing his lip. He has slumped
shoulders and almost drags himself along when he walks- reflecting his
unhappiness with his day to day life and showing that he is often pulling
himself through it, trying to make it to the end of the school year. His lips
are often tight, his face blank, reminding us that there is lots that we don’t
know about this character as his face gives nothing away.
As the narrative goes on, events occur that shake the
characters and change them. Examples of this are how Patrick becomes very
jittery/ shaky after his character goes through a bad break-up. Also towards
the climax, Charlie goes through a mental breakdown, shown through his hands
pulling his hair, his legs shaking and him crying.